Friday, August 22, 2008

wow!! has it really been this long since my last post?! well, apparently it has so here's some quick info on life with the Robinsons:

-we moved back to America

-and bought a house (right down the street from our old house, go figure...)

-i started highschool!! (freshman! aaah, yeah)

-we're currently waiting to go to Spring Creek Barbeque (sp?) but we're delayed because of the Dallas Cowboy game... *sigh*

that's the big stuff that's happened, and there's tons and TONS of little stuff that would be crazily long to write out. my awesome highschool's first home football game is next Friday! (woo! go jp2!!) wish us luck!

and i PROMISE, pictures will be coming! not necessarily super soon, but they will be here within the month.
