Friday, June 26, 2009

I know...

Heyy everybody... I know it's true that I haven't posted in 6 months, 2 weeks, 5 days, 5 hours, and 30 minutes, and that it's horrible blog keeping. But, to my defense, much has happened since then, not to mention my first year back at school after two of homeschooling was tough also. Currently, Mom and I are back in Moscow for the summer, being lazy and just relaxing, but also getting ready for European vacations!

In about two weeks, Mom and I are going off to Sancerre, France to go to language school. Sancerre (in the Loire Valley) is a teeny tiny town with a Chateau where the upper rooms are for the students and the lower part is the school. Yeah. Definitely excited.

After that, we go back up to Paris and meet Kellie, spend a couple days there, then head on over to Normandy for about five days or so. Then we are renting a car and driving over to Belgium, where we'll meet Luke who's there for architecture (see here) and spend about a week or so there. Then we go back to Paris and from there go our separate ways, Kellie to the USA and Mom, Dad, and I to Moscow.

Then, we enjoy our last days in Moscow before Mom and I head back to the States and get ready for the next school year (sophomore!).

Otherwise, to catch up from the last looong time ago that I actually posted, the biggest things that have happened are that Ryan's gotten a job at Exxon, my friend Jennifer got to come visit in Russia for about 2 weeks (a LOT of fun), Luke is going to try to get into Harvard, I am working on getting in shape for Cross Country next year, and Kellie has been the maid of honor at two weddings and is keeping together our family bookclub.

Cross my heart and hope to die, I will try really hard to post pictures and such during our European excursion, but I cannot guarantee anything (proof being my previous promises to post within the month that all failed).

So, this is the end of the post. I hope it was long enough to sufficiently add up to 6 months, 2 weeks, etc. of lost posts.


Anonymous said...

Hey!!! I had a blast with you in Russia!!! Love your blog!! Don't forget to email me!!!
