Saturday, July 4, 2009

Ryan's Place

I don't quite remember, but did I happen to mention that Ryan got a job with Exxon, moved down to Houston, and had mom and I come visit for a while? Well, if I didn't shame on me because it was a lot of fun and I have some pretty good pictures of it. We were only there for a weekend, but it was a blast getting him moved in and such.

Ryan with his plate of giant fish. I'm still not quite sure what it was, but he liked it, so I'm guessing it was pretty good.
Ryan, happily skipping down the hall from his apartment. Unfortunately, I don't actually have any pictures of his apartment itself, but those should be coming.

One of the many beautiful old houses that are in Ryan's neighborhood.
This one, at the time, was his favorite.

This is the Exxon building where Ryan works.

This is either the road going by or the Rice College campus, I don't remember...

Anywho, there's a few pictures from our trip to Houston. I know Mom has more and she might be wanting to put some more on later. We'll see.

Oh, and just incase you were curious, I actually did post within the same week (amazing, I know). I would consider that much improvement on my part. I'll try to get more pics up soon.