Tuesday, July 14, 2009

In the Soup Kitchen

Shannon, with Daniel (the boss), Kellie, and Ipianna. (Forgive me if I spelled your name wrong!)

Svieta-our super fast disher upper.

Shannon with an old man she serves and Ludmilla - a Russian lady who speaks excellent english. Shannon and Barbie have been working at a soup kitchen in Moscow for the summer. We go twice a week, and serve the elderly Russians who come for a hot lunch. They all have a little ticket they get daily, and we fill their plates with soup, kasha, salat (salad) and chai (tea). We also prepare small servings of sour cream, tvorak, sausages, or fruit, that are donated by local supermarkets, and pass these out to the people as an extra treat. It's hot when we work, and our hands are dirty by the time we are finished. The people are patient, but when they don't get their fair share, or we forget something, or even if we are too slow, they let us know.

We have enjoyed serving these people, and have got to know them as well. Some ask where we are from, and when we say "America", they always name some city that they know, like "Washington, D.C." or "New York". We work with people from several countries in Africa, and a wonderful lady from Oklahoma.